Rick Levine | ||
What the following doesn't say is that Rick is an exceedingly fine human being. We were lucky as hell to enlist his support for this project. Since this may be our only chance to thank him publicly, we took this opportunity to hack his bio page. Of course, we were all devastated to hear about the accident (see photo). | ||
Your Customer Isn't An Idiot Retail On the Web: Getting it right Hat Factory Java Developer Connection Sun Guide to Web Style |
Before Mancala, Rick was web architect for Sun Microsystems' Java Software group. He was responsible for the creation of much of the public web interface for java.sun.com, including the Java Developer Connection, a free, registration-based site for Java Developers, currently with more than 1,000,000 registered members. Rick was with Sun for 13 years. He started his tenure there leading a group that created all the desktop software for Sun's experiments with 386-based workstations, including Sun's first on-line help and easy-to-use system installation and management software. He spearheaded the creation of Sun's first usability testing facilities, and pioneered the integration of human-factors design, usability and visual language disciplines into Sun's engineering universe. Rick was a member of several teams that worked on reinventing and redesigning Sun's external web presence. He joined the Java Software group in mid-1996, served a stint as webmaster of java.sun.com, and has focused his efforts on driving the creation of web delivery channels that serve both the business needs of the organization and Sun's customers. Rick has participated in numerous standards activities, including an overly long stint as the lead user interface negotiator for the HP/IBM/Novell/Sun conflagration that created the UNIX Common Desktop Environment. He was Sun's participant in the ICE Authoring Group, creator of the Information and Content Exchange protocol specification for syndication of web content. The ICE protocol was awarded a Seybold Editor's Award in the field of Web publishing Prior to joining Sun, Rick worked for Control Data's PLATO system group, NCR COMTEN, various smaller companies, and, in ancient prehistory, did a lot of innovative and sometimes just-plain-off-the-wall film, video and videodisk production. | |
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1999 Levine, Locke, Searls, & Weinberger.
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