Here's what some people in the industry have been saying...
The Cluetrain Manifesto is about to drive business to a full boil. Recall what The
Jungle did to meat packing, what Silent Spring did to chemicals, what Unsafe At
Any Speed did to Detroit. That's the spirit with which The Cluetrain Manifesto
takes on the arrogance of corporate e-commerce.
from the foreword by
Thomas Petzinger, Jr., The Wall Street Journal
author of
The New Pioneers
Loud, over the top, jarring all apt descriptions of The Cluetrain
Manifesto. No matter, because Christopher Locke, Rick Levine, Doc
Searls, and David Weinberger may have collectively drawn the truest
bead yet on what works when it comes to doing business on the
Internet. The marketplace they describe is complicated, messy, and
above all human.
Harry C. Edwards, Business and Investing Editor
in his "Editor's Picks" writeup on
The Cluetrain Manifesto is an in your face warning to all businesses
as they seek to adapt to the spread of electronic markets. It
delivers a "tough love" message: embrace the conversations enabled
by electronic networks or become road kill. Embracing these
conversations means rediscovering our passion and our voice. All
managers must heed this message, even though it will require
wrenching changes across all elements of the business.
John Hagel, III, Partner, McKinsey & Company and
co-author of
Net Worth and Net Gain
The Internet changes what we mean when we say we mean business. The
Cluetrain Manifesto explores the profound depths of this change to
deliver an analysis that will enlighten and challenge you, make you
laugh or drive you crazy. Love it or hate it, no one with a stake in
the online scene can afford to ignore what this book is saying.
Michael Wolff, author of
Burn Rate
The cluetrain is to marketing and communications what the open-source
movement is to software development anarchic, messy, rude, and
vastly more powerful than the doomed bullshit that conventionally
passes for wisdom.
Eric S. Raymond, President, Open Source Initiative
author of
The Cathedral and the Bazaar
These troublemakers are going to get what they deserve a huge and
enthusiastic following!
Esther Dyson, Chairman, EDventure Holdings
author of
Release 2.0
The Cluetrain Manifesto is brilliant and impossible at the same time.
It's magnificently overstated and yet entirely correct: The Web
changes the way people and markets meet and work in almost every way,
and a remarkably high percentage of companies just don't get it yet.
The Cluetrain Manifesto gets it, and the authors aren't shy about
shoving it down our throats.
Thomas A. Stewart, author of
Intellectual Capital
When people in networked markets can get faster and smarter
information from one another than from the companies they do business
with, it may be time to close shop. Or, maybe it's just time to get on
The Cluetrain and fully understand that your customers are living,
breathing creatures who want one-to-one relationships with your
company, not just one-way rhetoric.
Don Peppers, co-founder Peppers and Rogers Group
co-author of
Enterprise One to One
The Cluetrain Manifesto is required reading for the new millennium.
It will make you question just about everything you're doing online.
It will make you sad for the way companies perceive the web today
and joyous for the possibilities to come.
David Siegel, author of
Futurize Your Enterprise
If you don't think you need this book to better understand your market,
that's your second mistake!
Seth Godin, author of
Permission Marketing
I told them
they were full of it that they shouldn't write the book. Hey
look: this is the new economy. You don't have to make money to make
money. You don't have to please the customers. Hell, if your
software really worked, there wouldn't be any reason to buy the
upgrade. These guys just don't understand business. It's supposed
to suck. They're... well... clueless. Don't buy their book.
And above all don't read it. I know what I'm talking about. See,
when I first saw the primitive Mosaic browser, straight out of that
cowtown just south of Chicago, I predicted that it wouldn't work. I
said what a stupid idea it would only confuse people and make
our lives worse. So listen to me listen to the real
Don Norman (, author of
The Invisible Computer
Haven't had enough yet? OK, here's more...
Like Zen masters, these four irreverent visionaries produce
startling insights by first confronting our most cherished but often
misguided beliefs about business. Seeing the Internet as forcing
profound and deeply humanistic change, this book lights the way into
the 21st century for e-businesses large and small.
Eric Severson, Executive Consultant
IBM Global Services
This train hurtles at high speed into your perception of business
theories and explodes out the back of your brain with exhilarating
ideas that engage, energize and enlighten. Anyone connecting with
the Internet as seller, buyer, surfer or stroller
should heed these four exceptional writers the way a law student
studies for the bar. Not doing so is not only foolhardy but
irresponsible. Read Cluetrain first for yourself, then for your
business, your stockholders and your future.
Brilliantly on target and ceaselessly entertaining, this express train
to 'Net commerce awareness stops only long enough to hit you between
the eyes with the realities of "voice" and then speeds along to
surprise again. Locke, Levine, Searls and Weinberger know the
Internet, Big Business and you. Yes, you. If you're reading this
book, you're in these pages. On par with 'Net pundits Peppers and
Rogers, Pine, Dyson and Negroponte, the authors of The Cluetrain Manifesto
speak with intelligence, wit and insight on the topic of who's
controlling whom and the very direct role each of us plays in the web.
Exceptionally compelling and brilliant!
Steve Larsen, EVP Marketing,
Net Perceptions
The authors have written a must-read book for anyone who's been in
business more than five years. The hardest thing for those of us in
that category to understand is that the world does not revolve
around whatever business we happen to be managing. The Cluetrain
Manifesto has no respect for size, success or precedence. It reminds
us that business is about people, not just commerce as such.
Guaranteed to be utterly different from any business strategy book
you've ever read.
Bruce Kasanoff, CEO,
Accelerating1to1 a spinoff of Peppers and Rogers Group
The Cluetrain Manifesto is the purgative for the corporate soul your
company and career need to make success on the Internet possible.
You may want to put this book down, because it tells hard truths,
but you'll never stop coming back to it in order to obliterate your
old ideas.
Mitch Ratcliffe, VP of Programming & Editor-in-Chief,
ON24 Network
The authors look at business as usual from the vantage point of a
networked world and business as usual comes off looking
pretty absurd. Everything you thought made good marketing sense may
be exactly useless in the Brave New World of the Net.
Tom Matrullo, managing editor of, a Comcast site
A proof of the Cluetrain Manifesto arrived this morning, and I'm
halfway through already. I cannot express just how good this book is
the first chapter alone had me almost weeping for joy at the
fact that someone has said what has sat, inarticulate, at the front
of my brain for years. I'm sure it will be a big seller
but more importantly, it needs to be read. CEOs should have this book
forcibly tattooed onto their chests.
Ben Hammersley, IT Reporter,
The Times of London
To a world full of clueless marketers trying to shove transactions
down the throats of unwilling "consumers" who never asked to
consume anything in the first place The Cluetrain Manifesto is
a sharp rap to the temples. Locke, Levine, Searls and Weinberger
have laid the trail for all those who want to take the road less
travelled but far more rewarding. Like "I'm mad as hell, and
I'm not going to take it any more," Cluetrain's clarion call
"Markets are conversations" will be shouted from the rooftops and
worn on t-shirts by Generation Z...
Gary A. Bolles, Host,
ZDTV's "Working the Web"